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Health, beauty, youth, weight normalization.


The person can live not only long, but is high-grade and qualitatively until the very last day and not to cause at surrounding hostility the bad appearance, stinking breath and low intelligence, that is should, using the reason, to aspire to be a worthy wreath of the nature!



   The offered system was initially developed to receive on purpose perfect health, good outward, long youth, but thus not to spend for it a lot of time, forces and means, that is to have peak efficiency at the minimum expenses. In 25 years I have perceived that the traditional approach to the decision of the yielded problem only by means of exercise stresses and the improved food to me has helped to get for a while only comprehensible outward, but has not solved a problem with health, besides after 35 obvious degradation of a constitution, despite regular power loads has begun. Having experimented much, I have perceived that the necessary result can achieve at influence on an organism on all canals of its interaction with environment, namely:

    1. Breath - power the base bearing on all building of healthy organism without which it is impossible to reach the purposes specified in heading. It Michael Bocharov in the monography "has well proved Electrical processes in an organism".

   2. An exercise stress - put a healthy hand in plaster for couple of weeks - after its removal you cannot bend it in an elbow, and muscles will strongly are obsolete, besides, correctly organized loads stimulate top condition not only muscles, sheaves and bones, but also all systems of an organism.

    3. A balanced diet - a building stuff for an organism - what stuff, such and a building.

   4. The day regimen - basically is important a sleep, its sufficient duration and a binding to time of days as at this time an organism maximally develops melatonin and somatropin which lack of an organism conducts to its landslide degradation.

   5. Personal hygiene - I mean not only tooth brushing and a shower. Very few people watches entrance collars for set of bacteria and viruses - a nose lumen, is more exact for its mucous, maintenance of its normal work in times reduces risk diseases of the top respiratory paths, and also weight of their flow.

   6. The residing region - an unhealthy climate cannot be congenial for performance of our purposes, basically it concerns the congenial influence of a sunlight on a skin which thus develops 90 % of a diurnal dose of vitamin "D" which the organism with nutrition can acquire only 10 %, and without it calcium mastering is impossible.

   7. Absence of stresses - their negative influence is well-known.

   Unfortunately, if the sixth canal can be corrected moving to more congenial climate the seventh practically for all is impracticable, especially in Russia. So, first five canals of influence on an organism are most accessible and quite sufficient for performance of a problem. More than forty years at me have left on studying and perfection of set of improvingly-developing technologies, procedures and sports, including yoga, oriental combat sports, various respiratory experts, athleticism, weightlifting, etc. Culling from all of them the most rational and effective, improving culled, I have created system which will allow to execute tasks in view at the minimum expenses of time. The hardest in its development - to rearrange the life, having learnt to do much in another way - it is rational: in another way to breathe, eat, daily to carry out a certain sports complex. It will follow-up occupy no more than 10 minutes, and is completely not complex, but it is necessary to do it constantly. Good news that in some weeks, months you get used and notice that, doing it is insignificant a little, you receive such surprising, enormous changes yourselves in which could not believe earlier. The offered system differs from all improvingly- developing technologies existing today complex, all-round influence on an organism on all canals of interaction of the person with environment, and also the conforming improvement of its components, than and its amazing efficacy speaks at surprising ease and comfort in development and performance. Harmoniously working in a complex, all specified components of system repeatedly enhance influence of each of them that leads to positive changes of physical, intellectual and mental possibilities of the person. Use in the yielded system of the latest, progressive improvingly- developing procedures allows to carry it to innovative technologies. By efficacy of influence, comfort and ease of development, financial availability, for today in the world there are no comparable improvingly- developing technologies.




· In the first weeks: fast leaving of excess weight at its presence.

· In the first months: obvious enriching of a state of nails, skins, especially in problem regions (elbows, a sole  of foots), fatigability             decrease, working capacity increase, at results going in for sports obvious growth.

· In the first years: strong decrease in volume of nutrition necessary for saturation (further to 8 times), a blood pressure (70/110), body       temperature (36,0), psychics becomes more stable, obvious enriching of cerebration and sexual function, disappears a characteristic       odour of sweat, pass many illnesses with which you lived decades and without results treated.


   The special attention I reverse on recovery of many former, already forgotten illnesses. They have not passed, and have passed in the chronic state, that fabric where they have hidden, in the absence of blood supply (atherosclerosis), did not work. At endogenic respiration development, blood supply in it is iterated, it again to become reacting. Cages of immune system (lymphocytes, granulocytes, macrophages) start to arrive again to it, and any recover begins with an aggravation, but it now - a good signal. In this situation the excellent assistant - medicine, by the way at an endogenic respiration medicines work in times more effectively.


   Unfortunately, already many have diseases not got, and received from parents at genetical level. At least, your state becomes more comfortable, as the organism will work much more effectively, and even the amazed cages will consult is easier with the problems because of their more mass to involvement in problem performance (to 10 times) and to the best provision of energy. For example, at me the boy of eight years with a body weight of 70 kg was taken. (Parents - addicts), doctors strictly forbade it any playing sports, through a little months it on my trainings on taekwondo carried out a load with all on the same level though of excess weight could not get rid. But here default of a component of system in a food as it has appeared, its basic diet - sausage, bread, sweets has affected.


 Responsiveness of an organism on influence of system at all is various because of different degree of neglect of health and its specific features, but positive changes begin at once irrespective of they are visible or not. I do not know any case that the system has not worked under condition of its correct performance. There was a case of reversion to me of the acquaintance for the purpose of disposal of excess weight. According to my advice he has started to be engaged in breath. Half a year I it did not see and thought, as he has thrown employment as throws the overwhelming majority. Subitaneously, having arrived to me, he has reported that weight leaves sluggishly, but it, is unexpected for itself and, even more for doctors, has got rid of a hepatitis "With" though before, for years it was unsuccessfully treated, even has received physical inability, and prepared for a fast cirrhosis.


   Yield we will sum up, whether so it is necessary to waste time follow-up much to receive such results: daily to breathe, eat, sleep to us it is necessary anyway, I only suggest it to do correctly, necessity of exercise stresses is known for all, the nature - the aunt economical, than do not use, takes away - on a beach on the majority, not excepting young, without tears will not look. Considering ease of development and comfort of performance of components of system, there is no spear cause to break. For example, have easily mastered and carried out system mine a daughter in 3 years of 10 months and mum in 83 years. The extra time is received to be spent only for trainings on a respiratory training apparatus, to 28 mines, only 2-3 once a week = 10 in a month (after a yield on endogenic respiration level) and 1 minute in day on nose flush. At calculation for month, a centre additional expense of time less than 10 minutes in day!  But, of course, at first it is necessary to display will: At first constantly to supervise the breath (from me has occupied 2 days), to disaccustom itself to a habit daily is useless and harmful nutrition, but it will return you sensation of natural taste of natural products without taste amplifiers, to carry out easy, but a daily morning complex. Display will and in some weeks at you it will pass in a habit, and then this habit becomes reflex, for example, I now hardly manage in the summer, 1-2 months to restrain from performance enough heavy power complexes, confining an easy load, volleyball and a bicycle.



Would be silly not to use system most, I hope these pictures you will convince more - to me in 2018 will be 60 years.
















































   Unfortunately, I do not know any case that someone did not do errors of beginners at development of components of system, and I walked around a rake but if errors in performance of physical exercises conduct only to decrease in their efficacy in a procedure of an endogenic respiration they are extremely dangerous as it at cellular level attacks the health base - electromagnetic balance of an organism enough, and its infringement involves very much serious consequences in metabolic processes, blood supply, etc. Therefore I urgently recommend development of system by means of experts, instead of being guided by the instruction applied on a respiratory training apparatus.


   The offered system quickly will lift you on a new standard of living: without illnesses, much more the big physical, mental and intellectual possibilities, enviable appearance. It will occupy only 10 minutes in day and is accessible from four-year age. The system will yield patients health. To workers of brainwork and sportsmen - the new potential much more surpassing former.

  Destroying a source of negative changes of your organism, the system will relieve you of excess weight, a disbolism, blood supply, to leaders to illnesses, depression, problems of sexual sphere, presenilation, etc.


 First of all, I have tested system on myself, native, the friends having problems with health - the result has stunned. To me in 2018 will be 60, but on trainings I do that in 20 did not dream at all. All illnesses in the past as the bedrock on which they arise has disappeared and exist - an atherosclerosis. Mum, contrary to 3-4 months promised by doctors, has lived 9 years absolutely other person: has dumped 27 kg. Excess weight, pressure with 240 to 130, hours walked, though did not rise any more earlier, has again started to read, though has almost lost sight. The daughter, being engaged on system, advanced contemporaries both on physical and on intellectual development; has gone to 1 class, considering to 1000, putting and subtracting three-value numbers, got almost to a ceiling on a rope, was not ill.


   The result has proved to be true at rendering assistance to the patients directed to me after unsuccessful treatment. Various diseases: an asthma 3 items, a tuberculosis, a prostatitis, a hepatitis "With", the hypertension, a dystrophia, a diabetes, diseases of gums, etc. of which people could not get rid sometimes decades, disappeared for a little weeks, months depending on age and a state of the patient. Other problems were in passing solved - the metabolism was normalised, the state of a skin, nails, hair, sight, the general state of health, etc. improved


   The system potential is most powerfully displayed at its development by children. Adults, being engaged on it, will receive longevity, health, outward, will return and will improve the possibilities of a brain lost in the course of time, but formation of new communications between brain cages most awakely descends at children's age.

   The parents who mastered system and have become endogenno-breathing before conception, will have children not only with excellent health, but also with huge potential of work of a brain as during pre-natal development, formation of a brain of a fruit at such parents will descend much more awakely and more qualitatively. It is not simple augmentation at an exponent of working cages of a brain, but, the main thing, formation of communications between them. Mass awakening of abilities which now name paranormal and the best learning capability that will yield powerful growth of intelligence becomes result. This tendency, under condition of employment on system, from generation to generation to be conserved. Achievement by mankind for f little generations of such level of development to which in the regular way us to go not one thousand years which at us can not be would become a consequence.


   For today there are no procedures or technologies, comparable by efficacy with the yielded system which, in difference from them, does not struggle with the illnesses which are consequences of physiological infringements in an organism, and liquidates the cause of these infringements, that is destroys bedrock on which there are illnesses and there is a presenilation of the person.



   Treatment is only a system side effect, its primary goal - development of the person, its physical, intellectual and mental abilities, its lifting on new, more a development high level. To healthy people she will allow to realise as much as possible the genetical potential, in times to increase the youth season, considerably having removed the season of age degradation of an organism, and an old age to make comfortable and worthy the person and all is the natural path, after all as a matter of fact all five components of system are components of a healthy mode of life, but carried out by means of the most effective technologies. Maintenance with the newest diagnostic and other necessary instrumentation allows me to continue the further perfection of components of system, the prototype of a respiratory training apparatus of my design, deprived of negative properties of traditional respiratory training apparatus and surpassing them by efficacy in tens times is already developed. The maximum effect of positive influence on the person is displayed at system development in the early childhood, and it is better in its pre-natal maturing, as descends, if parents carry out system components.

   You did not reflect, why at such development of medicine, on the Earth practically does not remain healthy people. The answer is simple - she struggles only with consequences of infringements of work of an organism, that is illnesses, without mentioning the cause, by the way volume of budgeting of Ministries of Health on a straight line depends on quantity sick, probably, therefore it is financially unprofitable to reduce this army of patients - as it is possible to cut a bough on which you sit. Do not think that I the enemy of medicine, easier soup and flies should be separately, doctors are experts in illnesses, and it is not necessary on them also to charge with another's problems, God grant it with the to consult, and here trainers, instructors in improving technologies should be experts in health.

   More than thirteen years I repeatedly reverted to our presidents, the government, to top officials at regional level with the offer to introduce obligatory discipline in kindergartens, schools which, thanks to ease of development and system performance, would allow not only to train, but also to accustom children to performance of components of a healthy mode of life since the childhood. In the childhood at the person the turned out habit very easily passes to level of jerk and with the maximum probability is conserved at mature age. In 2009 the program on development IDS in child care centres which in 2010 has been successfully approved on request of Formation Central administrative board at the Mayoralty of Novosibirsk is developed. But, unfortunately, all care of development of children by our power only is declared.

   As the expert I can responsibly declare the harm put to children at their involving in sports at non-observance of components of a healthy mode of life that frequently and descends, when intrinsic reserves of energy of the children's organism, designed for its growth and formation, are spent without the subsequent high-grade completion for trainings, a gain of medals and reading and writing on which work of the trainer estimates. According to the law in science about children, if the organism of the child, has not had necessary development in the conforming season of the childhood in the subsequent season it has no possibility of indemnification of the received loss. Better to say - «the train has left».

   More than 30 years of experience the trainer and almost 20 - the methodologist on an endogenic respiration, allow me to assert that, at conservation of a present state of affairs, Russian nation has no worthy future. The statistics confirms my words in figures: for 30 years health of children of school age has worsened almost on order - the number of sick schoolboys has increased from 10 % in 1980г to 90 % in 2010г, interpolating the curve for 2015 is received 100 %, as doctors ascertain today. I would like to be mistaken, but by my inventories a non-return point, to which else it was possible to rescue the nation from physical degradation, under condition of full preference by the state to the program offered by me still in 2009, is already passed is there was an autumn of 2013. Today's sick children become adult, future parents, and from sick parents it is impossible to wait for healthy brooding, at genetical level it is impossible to cure illnesses, it is possible to relax their flow only. There is a terrible process of degradation and the subsequent degeneration of the person, as biologically successful kind. Besides, society progress is impossible, if its overwhelming majority sick as physiological degradation involves degradation intellectual. Illnesses of parents frequently pass to their children at genetical level, and future «the norm of relative health» will include the list of diseases which will extend in due course, and diseases to become more hard.



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